• トロント在住の、女性みんなのサークル



Please scroll down for English translation.
“Share your experience of “bringing/packing Japanese lunch for Canadian school” – Looking for study participants!!”




私たちはライアソン大学で学校のランチにまつわるコミュニケーションの研究をしています。日本にルーツを持つ子ども達は日本のお弁当を学校に持っていくことについてどう思っているのか。また、親・保護者は、カナダの学校で子どもに持たせるお弁当について何を感じているのか。カナダの学校のランチタイムが多様な食文化に対しよりオープンになるよう、皆さんの経験から学びたいのです。この研究は、ライアソン大学研究倫理委員会から許可を得ています(REB# 2019-397)。



●  6-12才で、GTA(トロント市とその周辺)の公立または私立の学校(Grade 1-6)に通っている。

●  親・祖父母のどちらか、もしくは両方が日本から移民している、または日本からカナダに仕事や勉強をするために来て、現在暮らしている。

●  日本の食べ物を学校のランチに持っていったことがある。

【親/保護者:定員 15名】

●  Greater Toronto Area(トロント市とその周辺の地域)の公立または私立の学校(幼稚園-12年生)に通っている4-18才の子どもの親・保護者である。

●  日本からの移民一世か二世、または一時滞在者である。

●  子どもの学校のランチに日本の食べ物を持たせたことがある。




1.  2020年1月12日(日)1−3時 ライアソン大学にて

2.  2020年1月19日(日)1−3時 ライアソン大学にて


1.  2020年1月12日(日)1−3時 ライアソン大学にて

2.  2020年1月19日(日)1−3時 ライアソン大学にて

3.  2020年1月11日(土)10−12時 トロント補習授業校近くにて

4.  2020年1月18日(土)10−12時 トロント補習授業校近くにて




・アートワークショップに参加される6-12才のお子さんへ [link]-子ども本人が署名

・6-12才のお子さんが参加する場合、保護者の方へ  [link]-親/保護者が署名

・親・保護者向けフォーカス・グループ(座談会)参加をお考えくださる方へ [link]-親/保護者本人が署名


英語 https://youtu.be/pf8pPYT3myw





世古 有佳里

ライアソン大学 プロフェッショナル・コミュニケーション学科 助教授


416-979-5000 ex.544442


Subject: Share your experience of “bringing/packing Japanese lunch for Canadian school” – Looking for study participants!!

Research Project “Unboxing the bento box: An arts-informed participatory inquiry into Japanese children and parents’ experience with school lunchtime in Canada”

We are a team of researchers from Ryerson University studying communication around school lunch time. This study aims to explore how school-aged children from Japanese background think about bringing Japanese food to school lunch, and how their parents feel about lunch they pack for their children. We hope to learn from your experience so that to help make Canadian school lunch time more open to different cultural food. This study has been approved by Ryerson Research Ethics Board (REB# 2019-397).

We are seeking participants who says YES to all the criteria below:

[Child – up to 15 people]

●      Between 6-12 years old, going to public or private school in Toronto (Grade 1-6)

●      One of whose parents (or both) is a first- or second-generation Japanese immigrant to Canada, or a temporary visa holder

●      Has brought Japanese food to school for lunch

[Parent/guardian – up to 15 people]

●      A parent/guardian of a child aged between 4-18 years old currently going to public or private school in the Greater Toronto Area (Grade K-12)

●      A first- or second-generation Japanese immigrant to Canada, or a temporary visa holder

●      Has packed Japanese food in their child’s lunch to school

Children would join an art workshop led by a Japanese visual artist Sae Kimura and join a group discussion about the arts they make, and school lunch time. Together, the art workshop and discussion  will take about a total of 1.5-2 hours. Parents would join a  1-1.5 hour focus group with other parents. Participants can communicate in English or Japanese, because facilitators are bilingual and focus group will be conducted in both languages. Parents/guardians can participate even if their children do not wish to participate. If parents/guardians do not want to participate but their children want to, that is also possible.


Children’s art workshops: Please choose one from the following options

1.     January 12, 2020 (Sun) 1-3pm at Ryerson University 

2.     January 19, 2020 (Sun) 1-3pm at Ryerson University 

Parents’ focus groups: Please choose one from the following options

1.     January 12, 2020 (Sun) 1-3pm at Ryerson University 

2.     January 19, 2020 (Sun) 1-3pm at Ryerson University 

3.     January 11, 2020 (Sat) near Japanese School of Toronto Shokokai (Hoshu-ko)

4.     January 18, 2020 (Sat) near Japanese School of Toronto Shokokai (Hoshu-ko)

The art workshop (for children) and the focus group (for parents) will be held at the same time in separate rooms at Ryerson University, downtown Toronto. There may be a focus group for parents held near the Japanese School of Toronto Shokokai (Hoshu-ko) on Saturday during Hoshu-ko.

Each participant (both child and parent/guardian) will receive a $10 gift card and transportation fee reimbursement. Snacks and refreshments will be provided at the children’s workshops and parent focus groups. Children can take home the artworks they create.  

Please visit the corresponding link below for the research description and consent form, to learn more about this research and your rights as a participant.

●     For children (age 6-12) participating in the art workshop [link] – to be signed by children

●     For parents/guardians of the children (age 6-12) participating in the art workshop [link]  – to be signed by parents/guardians

●     For parents/guardians participating in the focus group [link]  – to be signed by parent focus group participants

We also made a short video explaining this research for children. Please watch with your child. 

English: https://youtu.be/pf8pPYT3myw

Japanese: https://youtu.be/E5uNRcmN4QE

We appreciate if you can share this invitation to anyone who may be interested in this research!

Thank you so much and looking forward to hearing from you. 


Yukari Seko, PhD

Assistant Professor, School of Professional Communication

Ryerson University


416-979-5000 ex.544442